Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Grace Based

I've started reading Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel.  Can I just say I'm convicted  and encouraged at the same time?  Every parent needs to read this book.  We are all passionate about something, but raising kids the way God wants us to should be our number one goal ( I'm preaching to myself).  Grace grace grace we all need it, and are so reluctant to give it sometimes.  Why!?!  Well, I know why...love my kids so much; but they can be so trying at times.  How can anyone get frustrated with these cute faces, you ask??  Well take away the sunny day and watermelon then replace it with a rainy day and no naps and you'll see what I'm talking about :)
Back to the book, I'm going to quote a few of my favorites lines from the first couple chapters.

"Grace-based parents live to know God more.  Their children are the daily recipients of the grace these parents are enjoying from the Lord.  They process their day to day life with an air of confidence that come from knowing God profoundly loves them.  Grace is the best advertisement for a personal relationship with the living God."  That's what I want to be, a walking advertisement wherever I go.  It's a daily battle, one I don't always win.  Ask me about a terrible mom moment a few days ago and I'll tell you.  You know it's a bad day when you have to apologize to your three year old.  Honestly though I can learn something from my daughter.  She forgives wholeheartedly and immediately every time.  She'll hug me and tell me she loves me and then it's like nothing happened.  She doesn't bring it up again.  It's done.  I'm beginning to realize that's how I should be forgiving as well.

In the second chapter of his book, Dr. Kimmel talks about what separates Christianity from all other religions and he quotes C.S. Lewis who says, "That's easy, it's grace."  

"Grace is what attracts us to Him and what confirms His love for us over and over."  Then Dr. Kimmel talks about truth and grace being inseparable.  John 1:1;14.  "You can't have grace when you have rules but little relationship."  The other extreme is cheap grace. "Behavior that is clearly unacceptable to God shouldn't be condoned or tolerated.  Grace is not to be diminished by taking advantage of it."

Dr. Kimmel quotes author Philip Yancey, "I have come to see legalism in its pursuit of false purity as an elaborate scheme of grace avoidance.  You can know the law by heart without knowing the heart of it."  There is a place for rules in the home, but we need to make sure they are presented correctly.   This scares me, because I know I fall into legalism at times.  So I'm learning every day more and more how to parent with grace and truth, with rules but not legalism.  Toughest job ever!!!

"God places parents as a light on a hill for their family.  Without us keeping that steady light shining, our children don't stand much of a chance of making it through the turbulent years of childhood without serious consequences."

My prayer is that Brett and I will be those parents, that light on the hill for Taylor and Blake.

That's all for now,  I've only gotten through the first two chapters.  I would love to hear your thoughts on Grace based parenting, or if you're new to this approach what do you think?

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