
Hello!  Hoping this will be a place of encouragement, laughter, sweet stories, teaching moments. I'd love to write a book someday, hopefully this will give me a head start.

Brett and I have been married for over 12 years. We've moved 4 times, two of which were different states. God gave us 3 littles to raise. Taylor Rae(bitty), Blake Alan(buddy), and our finale Margaret Adele(baby).

I asked the kids what I do well and what I need to work on as a mommy. They said my dinners are delicious, but lunch is lackingšŸ¤£ So basically I'm food to them. My job is to feed them. I'm a stay at home mom and most days I'm living my dream.

I live for summertime. Lake house, boat rides, date nights on our fishing boat, bike rides, gardening and smoothies everyday. I enjoy being pampered, pedicures and massages. Watching our kids play happily and explore His creation is probably my new favorite thing.

I love Jesus and I'm eager to learn more about Him.  I really like old ladies, most I've met are sweet and have so much wisdom. Teach me everything I need to know!  I'm passionate about encouraging other married couples.  Brett and I mentor engaged couples through our church PLC and that's been a good check on where we are at in our own relationship. The goal is ONENESS...learned that from A Weekend to Remember conference. 

Kasey means brave, a synonym for grace is beauty, brimming is another word for full, beaming means to shine brightly.

Brave.  Beauty.  Brimming.  Beaming.

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