Friday, July 25, 2014


Brett and I lived in Maine for a year and everyone there called their lake house or second home "camp".
We recently bought a second house in southern Iowa on the land my dad and Brett hunt.  Check out their website, Oxbow Ridge Outfitters. Fully furnished three bedroom, two bath, full kitchen, two living rooms, a fireplace, two nice sized decks, a huge attached garage with mudroom.  Yes, it's a pretty nice way to camp or glamp as I call it (glamorous camping).

A couple weekends ago we packed up the 4Runner and strapped the canoe on top and made the three hour trip down south.  Yes, no more canoe under my deck :)  Taylor and Blake LOVED it!  Little kids really like a change of scenery and honestly I do too.  It was so nice to play house at my "other" house.  We did clean for the first couple hours right when we got there, I won't go into the details but let's just say guys aren't the cleanest people.  There is a reason God put woman in charge of the house.  So after we cleaned, it was livable and quite nice.  Thank you Randall's for providing a lot of beds and other decor and furniture.  More pictures of the house to come.  We all ended up staying in one room and I told Brett, "This is how I like to camp."
What a fun weekend we had, riding on the Kabota with daddy and helping him check trail cameras.  Making a huge bonfire, playing in the mud, and picking wildflowers were all part of the experience.  I'd say we wore them out!  It was the first time we've had Taylor and Blake sleep in the same room.  I read to them and put them down at the same time.  A couple minutes later all we heard was giggling.  Blake fell asleep laughing at Taylor and she was out soon too.  Ahhh, it filled my heart with joy.

The next morning we went to a lake just a few minutes away.  It had the perfect beach with a play set right on it. The kiddos were in heaven for two hours straight.  I wanted a beach vacation and Brett gave me one :)
We even got to see my great grandma while we were down there.  I want to be sweet and funny like her when I'm 100.  She had a little bit of food on her chin after dinner.  She asked if she needed to be cleaned and I said, "Oh I have a wipe I could use for your face."  What mommy doesn't have wipes nearby at all times?  I started wiping her face and she said, "You'd think I'd get most of it in there with how big my mouth is." Haha you have to love her!
Here's us with my Grandpa Hank.
We had so much fun, I think we'll make this a monthly trip!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Cup of Berries

Today was one of those rare refreshing, renewing and restful Sundays.  It seems like lately we've been gone or busy on the weekends.  So this was a much needed break in our summer schedule.  We had nothing planned, but going to church in the morning.  I just love our church, Prairie Lakes, if you haven't heard of it and live in the Cedar Falls/Waterloo area you should check them out!  They stream sermons on-line too if you can't make it to one of their services.

On the way home from church I suggested an early lunch and early nap.  Usually our kiddos won't nap on cue, they like to stick to their daily nap time of 12:30/1.  But since we've been missing nap times the last few days we were all excited to sleep (All meaning me).  I love nap time, have I mentioned that?  When they are both down, I can do whatever I want (nap myself, read, blog, clean).  The first mentioned is my priority.  Rested mommy is a happy mommy.  Maybe that's why I feel so wonderful today :)  Brett has been traveling for work a lot lately and I think it finally caught up to me this weekend.  I had naps both days and he even let me sleep in on Saturday...what a guy!

So after a 2 hour nap time, we decided to take a walk and try fishing for blue gills.  I was sitting there just soaking up time with my family.  Watching Brett teach Taylor how to cast and Blake how to hold the fishing pole for the first time...priceless.  He's the best dad and they love their daddy.  I love this picture to the right, I caught Brett laughing at Blake trying to cast.  He's all boy, he will do whatever he sees his daddy doing.  And he can't be outdone by his sister, who is by now a pro with her Disney princess pole.

We were walking back when Brett noticed my favorite berries near raspberries.  Not to be mistaken for blackberries (totally different fruit).  As we looked around it was clear we hit the black raspberry jack pot.  We were eating fistfuls and then Brett asked if I had anything to put some in.  I quickly emptied out my water bottle and he made his way through the thorns and weeds to pick me some.  Taylor was busying making us wildflower bouquets and Blake was busy throwing sticks.

It's days like today that I don't want to forget.  I'm so blessed to have a husband who will go through thorns to please me and children who find joy in the simplest things.

My cup of berries and it's full.

Grace Based

I've started reading Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel.  Can I just say I'm convicted  and encouraged at the same time?  Every parent needs to read this book.  We are all passionate about something, but raising kids the way God wants us to should be our number one goal ( I'm preaching to myself).  Grace grace grace we all need it, and are so reluctant to give it sometimes.  Why!?!  Well, I know my kids so much; but they can be so trying at times.  How can anyone get frustrated with these cute faces, you ask??  Well take away the sunny day and watermelon then replace it with a rainy day and no naps and you'll see what I'm talking about :)
Back to the book, I'm going to quote a few of my favorites lines from the first couple chapters.

"Grace-based parents live to know God more.  Their children are the daily recipients of the grace these parents are enjoying from the Lord.  They process their day to day life with an air of confidence that come from knowing God profoundly loves them.  Grace is the best advertisement for a personal relationship with the living God."  That's what I want to be, a walking advertisement wherever I go.  It's a daily battle, one I don't always win.  Ask me about a terrible mom moment a few days ago and I'll tell you.  You know it's a bad day when you have to apologize to your three year old.  Honestly though I can learn something from my daughter.  She forgives wholeheartedly and immediately every time.  She'll hug me and tell me she loves me and then it's like nothing happened.  She doesn't bring it up again.  It's done.  I'm beginning to realize that's how I should be forgiving as well.

In the second chapter of his book, Dr. Kimmel talks about what separates Christianity from all other religions and he quotes C.S. Lewis who says, "That's easy, it's grace."  

"Grace is what attracts us to Him and what confirms His love for us over and over."  Then Dr. Kimmel talks about truth and grace being inseparable.  John 1:1;14.  "You can't have grace when you have rules but little relationship."  The other extreme is cheap grace. "Behavior that is clearly unacceptable to God shouldn't be condoned or tolerated.  Grace is not to be diminished by taking advantage of it."

Dr. Kimmel quotes author Philip Yancey, "I have come to see legalism in its pursuit of false purity as an elaborate scheme of grace avoidance.  You can know the law by heart without knowing the heart of it."  There is a place for rules in the home, but we need to make sure they are presented correctly.   This scares me, because I know I fall into legalism at times.  So I'm learning every day more and more how to parent with grace and truth, with rules but not legalism.  Toughest job ever!!!

"God places parents as a light on a hill for their family.  Without us keeping that steady light shining, our children don't stand much of a chance of making it through the turbulent years of childhood without serious consequences."

My prayer is that Brett and I will be those parents, that light on the hill for Taylor and Blake.

That's all for now,  I've only gotten through the first two chapters.  I would love to hear your thoughts on Grace based parenting, or if you're new to this approach what do you think?

Sun Dried Tomato and Mushroom Pasta

A couple nights ago I made this pasta I found on Pinterest.  Sun dried tomato and mushroom pasta.  I've been on Pinterest the last couple years, but haven't really utilized it until this summer.  I've been trying all different kinds of recipes and drinks.  My goal is to try one new recipe a week.  My husband can't stand the, "let's rotate between five to ten meals" rut.  He likes variety, so variety I will give him.  Honestly, I love it too.  I enjoy being in the kitchen and trying something new, especially if he's got the kiddos :)  I'll crank up my Pandora, which is lately turned to salsa fever (I'm having Mexico withdrawals), and pull out my tablet to scroll through the recipe on Pinterest.

Let's just say Brett compared it to one of our favorite Italian restaurants +39.  It was amazing!  My kitchen smelled like Italy (I've never been there, but I'm sure it smells similar).  You have to like mushrooms obviously to like this pasta dish, I wouldn't omit them because the flavor would be drastically different.  Even Blake inhaled this pasta.  Buon Appetito!

Our Story

 April 14th, 2007

Our love story goes back 14 years.  We met in high school and dated from the end of our freshman year all the way through.  We went to separate colleges and broke up for a year and a half.  Ok, I broke up with him. I went through a rebellious and rocky time.  
      A few months later, God was convicting me and I knew he was leading me to a different place.  I ended up back in Ames and started getting involved in the Salt Company at Cornerstone church.  The Holy Spirit was really working on my heart and I grew so much spiritually that fall.  I rededicated my life to Christ that following December and got re-baptized (I was baptized as an infant).  Brett and I had both dated others during that year and half.  We never thought God would lead us back together.  Brett transferred back to ISU to finish his mechanical engineering degree.  We started hanging out and we both knew we would get married.  Brett proposed 5 months later on Monday morning November 20th, 2006.  He brought me breakfast in bed (I was living in my parents basement at the time).  He told me that he could drop me off at work, so I got ready thinking I was going to the credit union.  He took a wrong turn and I started freaking out thinking I was going to be late to work.  "Brett, I need to call Holly and tell her I'll be late," I said panicking.  He just smiled and looked at me and said, "Kasey, I already have the morning off."  He drove me to Aveda where he had scheduled a half hour massage for me.  He just waited in the car like such a good boyfriend would.  Obviously by now I was thinking..."it's happening, it's really going to happen."  I was all excited I could hardly contain my emotions.  Then he put a bandana around my eyes to blindfold me and drove us to McFarland Park.  He carried me piggy back to "the bridge" then set me down.  He pulled out his bible and read Proverbs 31.  I had tears just streaming down my face.  He lifted the bandana off and was on one knee holding the prettiest ring I'd ever seen.  Of course I said YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seven years later, 3 moves, 2 jobs, 2 houses, 2 kids and I'd say we are abundantly blessed.  God is good.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Girl Talk

Jen Hatmaker is my new favorite author.  She's hilarious, encouraging, convicting, and inspiring.  She's so transparent and open it's easy to love her.  But what I really want to write about is her new book, Girl Talk.  I also recommend her devotional for mommies, Out of the Spin Cycle, but more on that later.
"Women will sacrifice, risk, stand on the ledge for the sake of real relationships...women literally define themselves by their relationships."

What does Jesus want us to be like in relationships?  "Unassuming, unpretentious, open, and honest."  Jen asks us to watch little girls and how they relate to one another.  They are "free from baggage, fear, the tendency to pretend and posture; they are unhindered in their natural desire for friendship."  I just think of my daughter Taylor when I read that.  I see her with her cousin Piper who is four months older.  The friendship they have already is exactly what she's talking about.  I see laughing, playing, sheer happiness, loving completely, no judgement, shared everything (good and bad), bonded.

I so want to be like that, but fail many times.  Why?  I'm selfish.  We all are.  I don't think of my friends wants or needs above mine at times.  It was honestly hard for me to be a true friend before I became a mommy.  I don't know if that's because I finally realized how selfish I was, or because I just bonded more naturally with other mommies.  Probably some of both.  I am so richly blessed in this season of my life with real/authentic girlfriends, that it's almost ridiculous.  I almost didn't think I needed to do this study.  Wrong!  Jen has made me think about all my girlfriends and how I relate to every single one of them.  Trust me, there's always room for improvement.

I LOVE my girlfriends, I NEED them in my life.  My mom has laid the foundation of what it looks like to be a loyal friend.  I've seen her sustain long term relationships.  She's got a handful of close girlfriends and they haven't lost touch.  Especially her best friend Darlene, who she met in married student housing and also has 6 kids.  My sisters are built-in life long besties :)  At least I know I'll have three friends always no matter what.  LOVE you Hannah, Beka, and Amy!

Then there are all my mommy friends.  It's like when you hit motherhood, you instantly connect with other women who are also mommies.  I can't list all their names, because I'm sure with my mom brain I would miss a couple.  But know you are loved and appreciated.  You are a breath of fresh air to me dates, coffee dates, walks, shopping, texts, emails, phone calls, messages, cards.  You girls help me through the day to day and I'm so thankful for every one of you!  I just went on a long walk with one of my mommy friends, who happens to live right down the street!  We talked the WHOLE time, while pushing our jogging strollers.  Yes, I felt pretty winded.  But I feel like a new person.  An hour of girl time before breakfast...thanks Kristen!

I finished day four in the second week of Jen's book tonight.  Her second chapter is all about lying.  Made me think about how truthful I am in my relationships.  I think I lie more than I even know.  But I can't lie face to face with Jesus, this is how I want to be...

"When women experience this place of grace, we learn to extend it to our other relationships.  It becomes the map by which we find our way in friendship.  We learn to choose forgiveness over bitterness, compassion over selfishness, mercy over judgment, honesty over pretending.  When our friendships mimic our relationship with Jesus, there is delight unheard of.  We become a community of grace..."  Jen Hatmaker

Amen! I'm excited to see what God will do in my heart and through my friendships as I go through this study.  Love you sisters!