Sunday, February 25, 2018


I don't do New Year's resolutions, instead I think of a word I want to focus on all year. Last year I chose Enjoy.  We were shocked to find out I was pregnant with baby number three. Shocked is an understatement. I was ugly crying on the bathroom basement floor at my in-laws. Oh and yes it was Christmas morning. Merry're prego.  Don't get me wrong, we were on the fence for awhile. God knew we wouldn't be complete without Margaret though.  Sweet and feisty, she is living up to her namesake. Our fair, strawberry-blonde haired blue eyed baby surprise has literally turned our world upside down and right side up.

This year my word is LAUGH.  It's the one word I keep going back to. It's probably what I enjoy doing most in life. We just finished a bible study in small group, Experiencing God's Dream For Your Marriage. Chip Ingram asked us to write 7 ways you feel loved by your spouse. Number 3 on my list was when he laughs with me. I've learned I really like making people laugh. It's only taken 32 years, but I'm figuring out my nitch.  I think it's a gift, possibly even a spiritual one (if I'm in small group it counts).  I'm funny sometimes, so laugh. Don't just stare at me, laugh with me or at me if you have to. People are way too serious. Lighten up a little and giggle. 

Want to know the secret to a long and healthy life? It directly corresponds to your sense of humor. Think about your day. Was there a time during work you laughed? Was there a moment at home with your kids you found hilarious. I find real life moments funnier every day. For example the things that our 4 year old says. Brett was driving and said, "we have to watch because the other cars have the right of way." Blake then said, "Well then we have the leftessway, right dad?"

I think we are getting on to something. Laughing with your spouse is therapeutic, laughing AT them is just a given. It's only taken 10+ years, but we are learning to laugh together.

When I look at that picture of us in California, I think restoration. We laughed and flirted so much on this trip it was like we were in high school all over again. The devil wanted nothing more than to break us down this year, to take our own sin and undo our marriage. Just because you hit the 10 year mark, does not mean you're all of the sudden golden. DO NOT let Satan win, no matter how much it hurts. Choose forgiveness, be broken together, cry, pray, and then watch God restore. He will every time.

You can laugh at each other or with each other. Brett's realizing in order for me to laugh, he has to find it funny also. And yes I mostly laugh at him, I can't help it. It's genetic :) The other night he was praying before dinner and at the end, he ended by saying, "In Jesus name we play." I couldn't help myself. I LOST it. Taylor and Blake didn't even know what was funny. I stopped breathing and the tears were coming down my face before Brett caved. He started laughing too. I also lost it in church this morning. I'm singing harmony during one of the songs and Brett couldn't figure out which octave he wanted to be in. I started giggling in between singing, then a full out laughing attack came over me. I started sweating, I was laughing so hard. I think I'm on my way to living a long life, screw clean eating and running, just sit on the couch with a bowl of Doritos and watch Gilmore Girls. 103 here I come.

I come from a great line of laughers. My great grandma lived to be 104 and played practical jokes her whole life.

One of favorite pictures of my grandma Phyllis is this one. I've watched her laugh till she was crying countless times. Usually when the whole family was together :)

There's something about laughing with family. Is it because they know you so intimately good and bad? I find myself craving my siblings in a new way as we've almost all entered the parenthood stage together. Brett and I got hooked on the Netflix TV show Parenthood. We've cried and laughed our way through 6 seasons. I realized I don't want to take my siblings for granted. I want to cultivate deeper friendships with the people who have always had my back. They've been there from the beginning and I see us old and gray laughing about the same stuff near the end.

This was one of my favorite days with all my siblings and parents. We just hosted a batman birthday party for Blake's 4th birthday. This photo captures us. We are ALL laughing. Some have the ugly face, others like Amy, have a perfectly cute smile/laugh going on.

Which laugher are you???
The whole eyes closed, smile stretched from ear to ear, and head tilted back kind. The mouth open so wide your face might split apart and eyebrows arch in the center...oh wait I think that's just me. Or the tears-running-down-your-face silent I can hardly breathe kind. Those are my favorite. When my stomach hurts, I'm most satisfied. My stomach always hurts after being with my family.

I just researched the physical benefits of laughing. There's so many I can't list them all. Help Guide says, "Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps you to release anger and be more forgiving."

The year I turned 30, I was determined to be a hot, sexy, and put together mom. I'm only 32 and buying Hanes underwear because they don't ride up and are super comfy. I've cut my hair and understand why most older women's hair cuts get shorter every year. (Brett's warming up to it) I wear my chacos with everything. I find myself checking out pants to see if they have pockets, just like my mom. I don't wear anything that's not as comfortable as leggings...EVER. Ladies once you hit comfort+style+security that's all you need. Stop trying so hard to be so uncomfortable because it might look a little better. I am pretty with or without. Prettiest when I'm smiling and laughing and so are you ;)