Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blake's Birth Story

Part of the fun when you don't find out the sex of your baby is that you get to buy 2 adorable outfits.  I was always well prepared at least for the "going" home outfit.

Friday morning March 1st, I had my 38 week appointment with Dr. Lipinski.  I was 4 centimeters dilated, 75% effaced and having bloody show.  She said I would have you by this weekend.  My mom drove up with Amy, convinced I would go into labor soon too.  I think I was in denial, I didn’t really feel like I was in labor.  Contractions would come and go during the day; some were a lot stronger, but never close together.  We even went to Beka’s gym to work out and try and go into labor.

Saturday March 2nd, nothing was too eventful; we had plans to hang out with our small group in the evening.  We headed to the Janssen’s at 4:30.  The girls were going shopping at TJ Maxx, while the guys were babysitting.  While we were out shopping, I had a few really strong contractions, some even took my breath away.  We headed back so I could call the triage nurse, and Brett and I could decide what to do. The nurse thought it would be a good idea to get checked out.  So we went home and I was able to shower and finish packing.  Beka and Amy were able to come to our house and watch Taylor.  As we said goodbye to Taylor, it really hit me and I started to cry.

Mom, Brett, and I drove to the hospital and arrived around 8 pm.  The nurse in the triage room checked me and said I was 5 cm and 90% effaced, I was in shock.  We waited in the triage room until 9:15, because they were so busy.  We got checked into our room 383.  Brett and I started walking the hallways to speed up my contractions. 

 Dr. Hines came in around 10 pm and we talked to her about our birth plan and breaking my water.  She tried to break my water and couldn’t get back far enough, it hurt so bad!  She said my cervix was posterior and thick and that we had a long ways to go.  I was crying not just from the pain, but just thinking that labor was going to be a lot longer than we thought.

 Brett and I walked and prayed.  Praise God after only an hour of walking and bouncing on the ball my cervix had thinned out and was in the right position. My labor nurse, Kathleen was so awesome, found out she goes to Prairie Lakes too.  Dr. Hines was able to break my water, so contractions started hurting more and we got the epidural ordered.  I was about 7 centimeters when the anesthesiologist came and administered the epidural. The epidural kicked in pretty fast and this time I didn’t have a hot spot and I had more control of my legs.  I was able to relax and almost slept through transition.
Dottie took over Kathleen’s spot at 3 am.  Kathleen didn’t want to miss the exciting part of pushing and seeing what we were having.  I was starting to shake and feel pressure way down there, so Dottie checked me and said I was a 9; but I still had some cervix so she would check me in an hour.  I said no, I was only 9 ½ centimeters with Taylor when Dr. Lipinski had me push.  Dottie went to find Dr. Hines because the pressure was getting worse with every contraction.  Dr. Hines was delivering another baby and had to leave a woman to come deliver you.  It was a busy night in the hospital.  I started pushing at 5 am.  The bed was broken, so they had to take the bottom half off.  We had them put the bed straight up, so I could have more gravity to push you out.  With every contraction I pushed two or three times.  I only had about 12 contractions.  So after only 30 minutes your head came out.  Dr Hines told me to slow down, but I was too excited to know who you were.  I gave one more push and your body slid out.  Dr. Hines turned you over so Daddy could see you.  He said through tears of joy, “It’s Blake!”

We both started crying and daddy cut the cord and then you were placed on my chest.  You cried right away and had a lot of white vernix on you since you were early, but oh so cute with your dark hair.  

This is my favorite picture, captures the moment perfectly.  I held you and we kissed you for a little bit before the nurses whisked you away to get you cleaned and weighed.
We are overjoyed, so excited you are a boy.  Daddy and I wanted a boy so badly and it was you the whole time.  We couldn’t be happier!

Blake Alan Randall
6 lbs 5.4 oz 20”
Born on 3/03/13 at 5:31 am
Sister support!!!
Walking down the hall to meet her baby brother for the 1st time...

She approves!
Giving him a kiss

Loves her bother
Family of 4

Aunt Hannah
Grandpa Randall
Grandma Taylor
Uncle Matt and Aunt Terrie
Small group girls
Grandma Randall and Aunt Holly
Aunt Beka
Aunt Amy

Going home

We are SO in love.  Our handsome little man.
My sister did a great job taking his newborn pictures.  Check out her Facebook page Bella Vita Photography or her website.

Taylor Rae's Birth

We are one of those rare couples that doesn't find out the sex of the baby...I know crazy right!?!  I only have a handful of friends that also waited to be surprised.  I am not saying this is the best way, but for us, it's worth the wait.  Brett says, "There are precious few surprises in life, and this is one of them."  I couldn't agree more.

I write the birth story down as soon as I can, because again my memory is terrible.  So this is coming straight from Tay Tay's baby book.

38 weeks
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 contractions started at 8 pm during our breastfeeding class.  They were coming five minutes apart and started to hurt.  Brett said my face turned red during each one.  I called my mom as we drove home, and she got in her car with Amy and picked up Beka on the way.

By 11 pm my contractions started coming closer together, they were 3-4 minutes apart.  Brett was using contraction master to time them.  An hour later, the contractions were 2-3 minutes apart.  I tried to get some sleep, but I couldn't fall asleep with the pain.  So mom and I stayed awake and I had her push on my lower back during the hard contractions.  By 4:30 am we tried to rest again.  We were having a hard time deciding if we should go to the hospital.  I napped for about a half hour and Brett woke up at 5 am to check on me.  My contractions had slowed down, only 5-8 minutes apart and weren't quite as painful.  I went back to sleep around 7:30 and slept until 9:30 am.

We decided to call the hospital and get checked out.  I wanted to see if I had progressed any farther.  We got to the hospital around 11:30 and they took us into a triage room to see if I was actually in labor.  I got hooked up to a non-stress test and they took my blood pressure.  My contractions had slowed down and were coming every 5-8 minutes.  My blood pressure was really high every time they took it.  Dr. Wing (now Dr. Lipinski) came in after the nurse Barb had checked my cervix (which was around 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced).  She was concerned with the blood pressure being so high, so she admitted me into the hospital.

At 1 pm they brought us into room 391.  My labor nurse, Lisa, came in soon after.  They didn't really want me to walk around since my blood pressure was so high.  Barb gave me an IV and asked Dr. Wing if I could start walking the hallway to get things going.  Dr. Wing approved and I started pushing my bag of fluid down the hall in my lovely hospital gown and slippers.  I could only walk for 30 minutes at a time and then Lisa would check my blood pressure to make sure it wasn't too high. 
Dr. Wing came in and broke my water to speed up the process.  Brett teared up once she broke my water.  He knew there was no going back and soon we would get to see our baby.  I was able to walk more and the contractions came even harder.  We walked back to the room and I used the birthing ball while mom and took turns pushing on my back during the contractions.

Barb came in to check on me and asked when I'd be getting the epidural.  I said I didn't want to get it too soon.  She then asked if I was going to deliver naturally and I said no.  "Well, what are you waiting for?"  Barb was persistent.  I really liked her. She explained it takes about an hour from the time you request to get an epidural for the anesthesiologist to come and administer the drug.  Then it takes a few minutes for the epidural to kick in.  I said to go ahead and order me an epidural :)  The anesthesiologist came in around 7.  He was super busy since a lot of women were in labor.  Brett and I were both nervous about the epidural, but it went well.  I leaned on Lisa while it was administered and I really didn't feel anything.  The IV was much worse, and that's what the anesthesiologist had said.  I was 6 1/2 cm dilated when I got the epidural.  It kicked in about 15 minutes later.  I felt very relaxed.  My blood pressure was a lot lower and I was even able to watch the show Hoarders while I was having contractions.  I soon noticed a hot spot though on my right lower back.  I had mom push really hard on that spot when I had a contraction, the counter pressure helped.  Brett held my hand and did the deep breathing with me.  Around 10:30 pm Lisa checked me and I was 8 cm.  I had started shaking, mom thought I had to be in transition.  I didn't want her to say that though and then not be that far along.  I was so excited!

My back continued to hurt even after I had pushed the button for more epidural medicine to start flowing.  We know now that was a bad idea, since my other side was numb for a long time.  Mom was pushing so hard on my back that she was shaking and I was doing my breathing while squeezing Brett's hand off.  At 12:12 Lisa checked me and I was 9 1/2 cm dilated.  Dr. Wing then came in and checked me soon after that and said I had a little part of my cervix (a lip) on one side.  She pushed it away while she had me push at the same time.  She then said I was a 10 and I started bawling.  I said, "I don't know why I'm crying."  It hit me in that moment that very soon I'd meet our sweet baby.

Lisa got my bed set up for pushing.  We had them lower the stirrups.  There was an assistant nurse for Dr. Wing and 2 other nurses for the baby plus Dr. Wing and Lisa.  What a party!  Brett held my left hand and mom held my right.  They shoved me up when I had a contraction and I took a deep cleansing breath and then another breath to push.  Dr. Wing had me push 3 times for each contraction.  My contractions slowed down to only 5 minutes apart.  Everyone kept telling me that they saw the head and the baby's black hair.  They were coaching me through the pushing.  Mom and Brett were pushing with me :)

Finally after one hour the head crowned.  Right before they asked if I wanted to feel the baby's head.  I was hesitant at first, but got so excited after I felt the head.  Once the head had crowned I pushed the baby out with the contraction.  Dr. Wing guided the baby out and Brett announced...IT'S A GIRL!!!  He got to cut the cord.  She was very white, but bright eyed.  She didn't cry, she just looked all around.  Her head was a little cone shaped too, but that soon went away.  She was placed on my bare chest, just staring at me.  Brett and I were crying tears of joy.  I'm pretty sure most of the people in the room were crying with us.  It was such a precious moment...made waiting 9 months worth it."

Taylor Rae Randall born on Thursday, April 7th 2011 at 1:27 am.  She weighed 5 lbs 13 oz, 18 1/2 inches.
Holding Daddy's finger

She's so little that Brett started calling her "Bitty" and the name stuck.
One of her favorite spots
Blessed to have had all my sisters and mom there.

Grandma Taylor

Aunt Hannah
Aunt Beka
Aunt Amy

Grandpa and Grandma Taylor
Grandma Randall
Aunt Holly
Grandpa Randall
Uncle Bryce

Going home

Our sweet little angel baby