Thursday, October 9, 2014


Our new favorite getaway place...


I really like the decor, guys did good!


Love the wheel they left

House and the machine shed

Evergreens in front yard

Front living room

Front living room

Master bedroom

Master bedroom

Living room

Guest bedroom

Main bath


2nd view of back patio

Bon fire

Brett and I even had a kid free night, and it was SO relaxing.  Partly because it was KID-LESS.  This was back in September, which feels like ages ago now.  I'm a little behind in my blogging, it's been busy.

Alone at camp
Kiddos helping daddy with chores


Blake's favorite, he's serious as he drives

 Yes, I'm a good wife.  The deal is, he's got to take me dancing now :)  I'm good luck too, because he shot a doe. Thanks to Grandpa Randall who stayed at camp with the kiddos, mommy could get a camo date with my man.  First time I've sat in a tree stand with him, first time I've seen him shoot a deer, first time I've seen what field dressing is...yuck!  Anyways, overall I was quite pleased with myself and I have to admit I really enjoyed our evening out there.  Beautiful weather, no kids(again), 2 hours just with my best friend who I get to talk his ear off (whispering of course), and enjoying God's beautiful fall colors and smells.  I wouldn't call myself a hunter yet, because I did get teary eyed as I saw the doe had a fawn; and of course when Brett got down to go look and see where she fell, the fawn came out of the field and was looking all over for his mommy.  Ahhhh.  Never thought I'd feel emotional about Bambi, but I AM a mom and you just don't kill mommies.  That's what I told Brett when he came back.  I felt better as I saw another doe come out and run off with the fawn, that'll be his new mommy.  Sooooo, now we have great deer loins and I'll make swiss steaks and roasts and of course jerky.  Free range, oh it was definitely organic free range, can't get any more fresh than that.  Proud of my hubby~

Our "1st" real hunt together
Yes the red is blood, he wanted me to take this pic.

Love our fireplace

Cutest little man "ewok"

Hot date in CAMO

I crave hash browns at the camp, because we are "camping" after all.  They are delicious in bacon grease...yummy!

Heaven on earth and it's not far from camp!!!

Well, that's all for now.  But we'll be going again soon.  End of October and first two weeks of November are the "Rut"  Ask Brett what it means if you don't know :)  Check out their website if you're interested in hunting.  Pretty ideal if you ask me.  Hunt

Monday, October 6, 2014

Swedish visiting cake

A few weeks ago I hosted a play date.  There's something wonderful about having other mommies to visit with while our kids play and we eat cake and sip lattes.  Yes it CAN be a reality.  This morning not so much.  My friend Alycia hosted a play date this morning and usually my kids do pretty well, the usual not sharing at times and etc but that's to be expected.  Taylor was exceptionally stubborn and disobedient and scream crying.  Do you know what I mean by that? (Probably if you're a mom of a toddler too).  So I quickly picked up the toys and apologized to my friend before corralling the kids into the car.  Taylor was disciplined there and at home if you're wondering.  I was embarrassed as a mom, feeling like a failure.  How did my sweet little girl turn into such a terrible behaving toddler?  I know I know, it's normal.  They all have their moments and we are all sinful.  Where was I going with that?  I honestly don't remember, I probably just wanted to have some other mommy read this and feel my pain.

Anyways, back to my lovely recipe.  It was a HIT!  I will definitely be making this again.  Oh and if you have any berries ( I used fresh black raspberries) they go great on top.



Thursday, October 2, 2014


We all struggle with it and if you say you don't...than you're lying to yourself.  Still not convinced? Get married and if that doesn't do it, have kids and you'll finally understand.

Thanks to Aunt Hannah, we caught his "scream" perfectly.
I've been reading Anger, Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way by Dr. Gary Chapman.  Let me just say, wow!  I've been searching and struggling for years with this emotion and this book has been so enlightening.  Most of my girl friends have heard my plug for this book and they thinks it's funny, because, "How could someone as nice as Kasey have an anger problem?"  Just come stay with me for a couple days and I'm sure among Taylor's 5th tantrum of the day, or Blake's ear piercing'll see me lose it.  I have my good days and my bad days, on my bad days I have to ask for forgiveness A LOT.  Thank goodness His mercies are new everyday, I'm a work in a progress.

In his first chapter, Where does Anger Come From, Dr. Chapman gives us the definition of anger from the dictionary "a strong passion or emotion of displeasure, and usually antagonism, excited by a sense of injury or insult."  He explains, "although we normally think of anger as an emotion, it is in reality a cluster of emotions involving the body, the mind, and the will.  I found that fascinating.  Here's another quote from pg 16, "Love draws you toward the person; anger sets you against the person."
"We can't control our bodily reactions; however, we can control our mental and physical responses to anger."  I did not do a good job controlling my response yesterday afternoon.  Blake and Taylor found my q-tips, bobby pins, chap stick, and eye-drops from my bathroom drawer. This is exactly why I usually don't call you or answer any phone calls...because my kids will DESTROY everything.  I told them calmly, "Taylor and Blake you need to pick it all up and put everything back in the boxes."  Blake was "helping" a little and Taylor just defiantly kept spreading everything on the floor.  I almost had everything put back, when she dumped it all back out.  I told her again more firmly, you need to pick that up.  I can feel myself losing patience, since this was the 27th time she's said no or not obeyed.  I do spank my children when they are willfully defiant. I'm also a firm believer in lovingly instructing them to obey when they won't willingly.  She looked at me and screamed and said she can't pick it up.  I was very mature and screamed right back at her as loud as I could.  Terrible mom moment...I blew it AGAIN.  This is just one recent example, I could go on and on.

I was encouraged as I kept reading.  Dr Gary Chapman says, "Anger is evidence that we are made in God's image; it demonstrates that we still have some concern for justice and righteousness in spite of our fallen estate."  Granted, my reaction yesterday was not a reflection of divinity. 

See?  She's not always sweet.  My kids have the "stink" face down.
Chapter two, When Anger Can Do Good, talks about why God gave us this emotion.  What is God's purpose in human anger?  Gary says, "Anger is designed to motivate us to take positive action when we encounter injustice."  A light bulb went on when I read that.  I actually got excited and for once was thankful that God gave me such a strong emotion.  I honestly never thought anger was a "good" thing.  Probably because most of the time I'm angry or when I see other people angry they are sinning in their anger.  Why is it that anger seems to be the emotion I just gravitate toward?  I come from very passionate families on both sides.  It's genetic!  No I'm not making excuses, but I do think there are people more prone to anger than others. 

"Anger can be a powerful and positive motivator, useful to move us toward loving action to right wrongs and correct injustice-but it also can become a raging, uncontrolled force."  That's often how I see myself when I'm angry, an uncontrolled force.  Dr Chapman gives you five steps to handle your anger.  I have this posted on my kitchen wall :)

1) Consciously acknowledge to yourself that you are angry
2) Restrain your immediate response
3) Locate the focus of your anger
4) Analyze your options
5) Take constructive action

Number two is the one I really struggle with.  I'm learning to step away when I'm "boiling."  If it's toward the kids, sometimes mommy needs a time out before I discipline.  If I'm mad at Brett, he knows to give me space and not keep pushing my buttons.  "There is that moment before the red-hot words begin to flow that we can train ourselves to restrain that response."  So I'm relearning how to react when I'm angry.  I think it will take a long time, before I can say I've mastered this list.  Number three was interesting, we can be so quick to be angry and not even know what we are angry about.  I know I'm not the only one who struggles with that.  Girls??

Chapter six is all about anger toward your spouse.  Gary says, "Love and uncontrolled anger cannot coexist.  Love seeks the well-being of the spouse, while uncontrolled anger seeks to hurt and destroy."  In our "newly" wed years I really struggled with this, and to be honest still do at times.  Back then I would run, read the Bible, pray, and meet once a week with my amazing mentor (thank you Stephanie).  I definitely recommend getting a mentor or someone who will help keep you accountable and ask the tough questions.  I needed her so much those first two years.  As I'm writing this, it makes Brett sound like a terrible husband; that's not at all the picture I want to paint.  But marriage is an adjustment.  God was definitely refining me and using Brett to do it.  We still have arguments and disagreements, but we are WAY better at resolving them.  Back to my point, I wish I would have come across Dr. Chapman's book 7 years ago.  It has given me exactly what I wanted; six keys to anger management with your spouse.  Ok Brett let's put these into practice :)

1.  Acknowledge the reality of anger, remembering that anger itself is not a sin.
2.  Agree to acknowledge anger to each other.  Do not make your spouse "guess" how you're feeling.
3.  Agree that verbal or physical explosions against the other person are not appropriate reactions to anger- they will always make things worse.
4.  Agree to seek an explanation before jumping to conclusions.  The person may supply valuable missing information that could change your understanding of the issue.
5.  Agree to seek resolution and reconciliation.  With more information from your spouse and the fuller perspective, you are ready to find a solution satisfactory to both of you.
6.  Agree to affirm your love for each other. 

I looked ahead at the next chapter and it's all about how to help your children handle anger.  Pretty sure I'll be high lighting every sentence!

The apostle Paul stated it clearly when he said, "In your anger do not sin." (Ephesians 4:26)  Gary follows it by saying, "The challenge is not, "Don't get angry"; the challenge is not to sin when we are angry.  I've posted these verses on my bathroom mirror. This is my prayer, Lord help me when I'm angry not to sin.  I want to be known for my love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and SELF-CONTROL...Holy Spirit take over!

What do you think?  I would love to hear your thoughts on anger and this book.  If you've read it or have another book that you'd recommend please share.

Buy it... Anger by: Dr. Gary Chapman.

Also check out this video by Dr. Gary Chapman, Anger.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Fruits of the Spirit


I came across this video of Taylor on my old cell and I had to share it.  I think she's around 18 months in this video, which is how old Blake is now.  He can say "Mama," "Dada," "ow," bye," and "all done."  No Taylor is not smarter, but she definitely had a larger vocabulary.  It's funny that they say girls talk sooner and say a lot more.  One of my girlfriends said boys are, "noise with dirt on them."  I'd say she's pretty accurate.  Love my bitty and my buddy, but they are SO different.  She's all girl and he's all boy.

I'll be posting more videos, but this one gets me every time :)

Peesthhh out

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blake's Birth Story

Part of the fun when you don't find out the sex of your baby is that you get to buy 2 adorable outfits.  I was always well prepared at least for the "going" home outfit.

Friday morning March 1st, I had my 38 week appointment with Dr. Lipinski.  I was 4 centimeters dilated, 75% effaced and having bloody show.  She said I would have you by this weekend.  My mom drove up with Amy, convinced I would go into labor soon too.  I think I was in denial, I didn’t really feel like I was in labor.  Contractions would come and go during the day; some were a lot stronger, but never close together.  We even went to Beka’s gym to work out and try and go into labor.

Saturday March 2nd, nothing was too eventful; we had plans to hang out with our small group in the evening.  We headed to the Janssen’s at 4:30.  The girls were going shopping at TJ Maxx, while the guys were babysitting.  While we were out shopping, I had a few really strong contractions, some even took my breath away.  We headed back so I could call the triage nurse, and Brett and I could decide what to do. The nurse thought it would be a good idea to get checked out.  So we went home and I was able to shower and finish packing.  Beka and Amy were able to come to our house and watch Taylor.  As we said goodbye to Taylor, it really hit me and I started to cry.

Mom, Brett, and I drove to the hospital and arrived around 8 pm.  The nurse in the triage room checked me and said I was 5 cm and 90% effaced, I was in shock.  We waited in the triage room until 9:15, because they were so busy.  We got checked into our room 383.  Brett and I started walking the hallways to speed up my contractions. 

 Dr. Hines came in around 10 pm and we talked to her about our birth plan and breaking my water.  She tried to break my water and couldn’t get back far enough, it hurt so bad!  She said my cervix was posterior and thick and that we had a long ways to go.  I was crying not just from the pain, but just thinking that labor was going to be a lot longer than we thought.

 Brett and I walked and prayed.  Praise God after only an hour of walking and bouncing on the ball my cervix had thinned out and was in the right position. My labor nurse, Kathleen was so awesome, found out she goes to Prairie Lakes too.  Dr. Hines was able to break my water, so contractions started hurting more and we got the epidural ordered.  I was about 7 centimeters when the anesthesiologist came and administered the epidural. The epidural kicked in pretty fast and this time I didn’t have a hot spot and I had more control of my legs.  I was able to relax and almost slept through transition.
Dottie took over Kathleen’s spot at 3 am.  Kathleen didn’t want to miss the exciting part of pushing and seeing what we were having.  I was starting to shake and feel pressure way down there, so Dottie checked me and said I was a 9; but I still had some cervix so she would check me in an hour.  I said no, I was only 9 ½ centimeters with Taylor when Dr. Lipinski had me push.  Dottie went to find Dr. Hines because the pressure was getting worse with every contraction.  Dr. Hines was delivering another baby and had to leave a woman to come deliver you.  It was a busy night in the hospital.  I started pushing at 5 am.  The bed was broken, so they had to take the bottom half off.  We had them put the bed straight up, so I could have more gravity to push you out.  With every contraction I pushed two or three times.  I only had about 12 contractions.  So after only 30 minutes your head came out.  Dr Hines told me to slow down, but I was too excited to know who you were.  I gave one more push and your body slid out.  Dr. Hines turned you over so Daddy could see you.  He said through tears of joy, “It’s Blake!”

We both started crying and daddy cut the cord and then you were placed on my chest.  You cried right away and had a lot of white vernix on you since you were early, but oh so cute with your dark hair.  

This is my favorite picture, captures the moment perfectly.  I held you and we kissed you for a little bit before the nurses whisked you away to get you cleaned and weighed.
We are overjoyed, so excited you are a boy.  Daddy and I wanted a boy so badly and it was you the whole time.  We couldn’t be happier!

Blake Alan Randall
6 lbs 5.4 oz 20”
Born on 3/03/13 at 5:31 am
Sister support!!!
Walking down the hall to meet her baby brother for the 1st time...

She approves!
Giving him a kiss

Loves her bother
Family of 4

Aunt Hannah
Grandpa Randall
Grandma Taylor
Uncle Matt and Aunt Terrie
Small group girls
Grandma Randall and Aunt Holly
Aunt Beka
Aunt Amy

Going home

We are SO in love.  Our handsome little man.
My sister did a great job taking his newborn pictures.  Check out her Facebook page Bella Vita Photography or her website.